Welkom / WELCOME
Welkom by Laerskool Witrivier

Baie welkom by Laerskool Witrivier se webblad, die venster wat u nou gaan oopmaak gaan u ‘n beeld gee van ‘n skool wat al sedert 1904 bestaan.

07:30 - 13:30

Welcome to White River Primary

Welcome to White River Primary School’s website, the window you are about to open will give you a picture of a school that was established 1904.

07:30 - 13:30

The Sky is the Limit!

Laerskool Witrivier bied met trots die volgende sport aan:
Atletiek, Rugby, 7’s Rugby, Pumaki-rugby, Krieket & Mini-krieket, Hokkie & Mini-hokkie, Netbal & Mini-netbal, Landloop, Skaak, Swem, Tennis, Fietsry en Gholf plus Afrigtingsklinieke.

White River Primary School proudly offers the following sporting codes:
Athletics, Rugby, 7’s Rugby, Pumaki-rugby, Cricket & Mini cricket, Hockey & Mini hockey, Netball & Mini netball, Cross Country, Chess, Swimming, Tennis, Cycling/Mountain bike & Golf plus Coaching Clinics.

Kultuur / Culture
Exciting opportunities

Verskeie Kultuur aangeleenthede vind ook plaas by Laerskool Witrivier:
Redenaars, Koor, Eisteddfod, Revue en VCSV.

Several Cultural activities also take place at White River Primary School:
Public Speaking, Choir, Eisteddfod, Revue and C.S.A.

Akademie / Academics
Top Teachers, Top grades

Hier kan julle die volgende kry: Eksamenrooster van elke kwartaal; Top 15 leerders van elke graad; Vakke wat die skool bied en ons onderwysers.

Here you will find the following: Exam timetable for each term; Top 15 learners in each grade; Subjects offered by the school and our teachers.

Sosiaal / Social
fun! fun! fun!

Hier ontspan ons lekker! Waterkaskenade/Speletjiesdag, Lentedag en Gr 7 Entrepreneursdag. Sokkies vir Gr 5-7. Talentaand – Reik na die Sterre & Whities Got Talent. ’n Hoogtepunt vir die jaar is ons jaarlikse Pa en Dogterbal.

Here we relax! We have Water fun days/Fun day, Spring Day and Grade 7 Entrepreneurs’ Day. Dance evenings for Gr 5-7. The highlight of the year is our annual Father & Daughter Ball.

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Die Hoof Mnr. Rian Cooper, personeel en leerlinge hier het alle rede om trots te wees op hierdie Laeveldse skat.  Nie net vul Laerskool Witrivier se wortels ‘n mens met wonder nie, maar ook die sekere wete van waarheen hulle op pad is.

The Principal, Mr. Rian Cooper, staff and pupils all have reason to be proud of this Lowveld treasure.  Not only does White River Primary School fill a person to the roots with amazement, but also with the sure knowledge with a sense of where one is going.


Marianne Oosthuizen


Rudolf Labuschagne

Academic, Building and Grounds


Deur die eeue heen laat elke mensegeslag spore van sy bestaan agter in die vorm van potskerwe, bouvalle met skadu’s teen effens-mure, rotstekeninge in ‘n gloed van bruinrooi.  Monumente uit die ver verlede…

Through the ages each generation has left their footprints either in the form of potshards, building ruins with shadows against wall remains,  cave-paintings in blood or brownish-red. Monuments from the past…

Kontak ons \
contact us
(013) 751 – 2231 / 2
(013) 750 – 1064
Mon - Fri / 7:35 - 13:35
